Smart Decision Support System (SDSS) Roadmap

The Gap between the strategy and execution is still there, the big question is How can we generate and use smart business insights from our data with full alignment with our business goals and strategy.


Why do you need a Smart Decision Support System (SDSS) ?

  • The goal of decision support is to add value to the quality of the decisions and not the theater of technical work only.
  • The added value is limited to the quality of the insight not the amount of data and reports generated.
  • Recognize the importance of developing an efficient interaction with the decision makers through continuous education


Why making decision is such a challenge?

This is due to three facts:

  • we deal with a complex system where:
    • cause-and-effect relations exist whether we like or not
    • randomness and uncertainty
    • humans react with perceptions
  • There exist levels or Personas (C-level horizon is different from manager’s one).
  • There exist “silo” effect as a result of being organized in departments.


Why there is a link between strategy and Decision Support System?

This is due to five facts:

  • Strategy is a fundamental step that provides “destinations” and “key enablers”
  • Destinations are outcomes that follow the paradigm: input → process → output → Hence, destinations of strategy are the results.
  • People need to alter drivers to reach results, not just keep watching results.
  • C-level are responsible to secure all inputs, align outputs into outcomes.
  • Managers are responsible to ensure performance of processes to reach outputs per set strategy.


Why we should start by roadmap first?

Starting without clear target, designated future state and measurable journey will create:

  • Frustration and resistance
  • Risks of deviation from business goals,
  • Partial and/or isolated coverage of the business
  • Random results.
  • Lack of visibility


What is a Smart Decision Support System (SDSS)

The key success of the SDSS roadmap and later it’s execution is the involvement of the magic trio Business, Math&Statistics and  Computer science.

Committing to a Decision support system program execution means:

  • The Full relation-ships between casue-and-effect are identified (input → process → output → outcome) are defined by subject matter experts (SME)
  • Key Analytic indicators in line with (input → process → output → outcome) are defined
  • Maturity Assessment Tool is defined to measure the results of the roadmap progress towards
  • Future State is clearly defined.
  • The journey to reach the future state is defined and planned


The SDSS Roadmap is a full program that is designed to assist you to transform your decision to be based on structured insights, The roadmap covers:

    • – The business mapping by identifying the drivers and cause effects relations,
    • – injection of smart KPIs,
    • – Maturity assessment (in term of data, technology, insights, people and process),
    • – Design of the future state and program of initiatives to reach an optimized decision support system this will include:
      • Platform and technology by progressive injection of predictive and prescriptive analytics
      • Knowledge and change management
      • Business insights generation and organizations required to support the decision support


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